3 Steps to keeping your hair colour fresh

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To keep your hair colour looking fresh, there are 3 simple steps to follow:

1- Get your hair coloured by a professional

A professional colourist will not only be able to give you the best choice of colours from the L’Oréal Professionnel colour selection, but they will also follow the correct procedure when colouring your hair to allow the colour to deeply infuse itself into the hair for a long-lasting result.

2- Use haircare products for coloured hair

Even the best colouration might not last as well if you don’t use the correct haircare products. Choose shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair, and use a hair mask treatment once a week.

3- Don’t wash your hair every day

Washing your hair on a daily basis can strip its fibres of natural oils, leaving it dry and dull, and also make your new hair colour slowly loose its vibrancy. If you still want to wash your hair every day, make sure you use shampoo and conditioner for colour treated hair, and try tinted hair masques for hair colour revitalisation